Couverture Componon S 5,6/135
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Couverture Componon S 5,6/135

Envoyé par Thierry08 
Couverture Componon S 5,6/135
samedi 27 septembre 2014 18:43:20
Le Componon S 5,6/135 couvre t-il le 4x5?

Re: Couverture Componon S 5,6/135
samedi 27 septembre 2014 18:48:13
tout dépend du rapport d'agrandissement



This is a 135mm f5.6 lens most commonly used to make photographic prints with 4x5 inch large format negatives. The 135mm focal length allows print sizes 10% larger than the 150mm focal length lens often used for this format. It is equipped with user conveniences such as an illuminated aperture scale with click stop override. This model has 50mm x 0.75 mounting threads.
Re: Couverture Componon S 5,6/135
samedi 27 septembre 2014 20:45:40
Merci Henri

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