KSF le K14 DIY
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KSF le K14 DIY

Envoyé par Nestor Burma 
KSF le K14 DIY
mercredi 24 janvier 2018 09:17:00
Une Expérience de Kelly Shane Fuller

On the day of testing I shot a few images on a roll of freezer stored KR64 and went into the dark room to load my tank. My process is still somewhat evolving, but these are my steps.

- Develop the film for 14 minutes at 105F in HC-110B.
- Wash.
- Squeegee the film with a soft sponge to remove the remjet backing.
- Expose through the back of the film with the LED flashlight and red filter.
- Develop for 3:30 at 105F in the Cyan coupler/developer.
- Wash.
- Expose with LED flashlight and blue filter through the front of the film.
- Develop for 3:30 at 105F with Yellow Coupler/developer.
- Wash.
- Expose with LED flashlight and no filters (white light)
- Develop for 3:30 at 105F Magenta coupler/developer.
- Wash.
- Bleach for 6 minutes with Ferricyanide bleach.
- Fix for 8 minutes with standard B&W fixer.
- Wash.
I was ecstatic! After removing the film from the tank, I had slides! In color… But not particularly well color balanced. The process was close, but not perfect.




Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 24/01/18 09:23 par Nestor Burma.
Re: KSF le K14 DIY
mercredi 24 janvier 2018 11:19:52
Le résultat est étonnant! Le prix des K64 va monter en flèche!
Blague mise a part, c'est super qu'il existe une alternative au rodinal pour sauver les "time capsule" K64
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